This family movies you can stream now: Mail, Oreybujjiga, Color Photo

This family movies you can stream now: Mail, Oreybujjiga, Color Photo

There are a lot of telugu family movies that you can stream in telugu movies online. Mail, Oreybujjiga and Color Photo will be the best choice to make if you want to watch online movies with family. These three movies have made a major outburst in telugufilm industry as viewers have poured their hearts and dig them a lot. The emotions, comedy and romance will bring tears in your eyes as it touches your hearts. If you want to watch some movies online with your family, then one of these will best suit you.


Mail is a comedy entertainer that holds the story and plot to a single aspect of technology, i.e, computers. This film revolves around two major characters Habyth and Ravi. Habyth enters into the village to start a computer center in the village where he meets a technology enthusiast ravi. Ravi is keen on computers but as it is a rural village, he couldn’t find a source even in his college. Habyth helps Ravi understand computers and teaches him the basics of the internet. As time passes, the story takes a major turn as they tend to fall for an online scam and run behind money as it portrays. It is a full fledged fun movie to watch along.

Oreybujjiga is loaded with comedy aspects in all of its characters. Krishna veni and srinivas are two individuals who run away from their village as they were being arranged for a marriage without their consent. They both run away at the same time, leading all the family and relatives to a conclusion that they eloped together. But as they dont know each other, Srinivas will be forced to get the girl back to the village for some financial problem his family faces as Krishna veni’s family is quite rich and powerful. As all this happens, Krishna veni and srinivas change their names to live a new life and fall in love with each other. Srinivas never reveals to her that he and his family are in struggle of finding krishnaveni but as eventually, he finds that to be her and loses his mind over. What happens from then on is the most entertaining and comedic aspect of the film that will never to be missed.

Color Photo is the most intense and romantic love story that revolves around two people Deepthiverma and Jaya Krishna. They study in the same college and fall in love with each other only to be opposed by Deepthi’s uncle who is a police officer. Their whole college stands behind them to save but police lays more power. Her uncle threatens Jaya krishna to leave deepthi but Jaya krishna wouldn’t. Then what the police officer does will change everything they have ever dreamt of. It is a beautiful film that leaves you speechless.

Cast and Crew Of Mail:

Actor: HarshithMalgireddy

Actress: GouriPriya

Other Actors: Priyadarshi

Director: UdayGurrala

Producer: Priyanka Dutt, SwapnaDutt

DOP: UdayGurrala, ShyamDupati

Music Director: SweekarAgasthi

Cast and Crew OfOreyBujjiga:

Actor: Raj Tharun

Actress: Malvika Nair

Other actors: Naresh, HebahPatel,  Ajay Ghosh, Raja Ravindra

Director: Vijay Kumar Konda

Writer: Vijay Kumar Konda

Producer: K.K. Radhamohan

Cast and Crew OfColour Photo:

Actor: Sushas

Actress: ChandiniChowdary

Other actors: Sunil, Harsha, Divya, Vidya

Director: Sundeep Raj

Producer: Sai RajeshaNeelam, Benny Muppaneni

 These are the best family online movies to watch in Telugu movies online only on aha.